Travelling for the snow can be a rewarding experience, packing all your gear into a board bag and then hoping on a plane or getting in the car on the way to fresh snow and endless fun. You want to ensure that you have everything you need packed in your bag to take the stress out of the whole trip.
When packing the things you will need include
- Snowboard Bag
- Snowboard Boots and Bindings
- Outerwear
- Gloves and Goggles
- Helmet
- Under layers/ Thermals
- Socks
- Beanie/Balaclava
- Après Boots
- Warm Clothes
- Backpack
- Hand and feet warmers
- Money
- Overseas
- Insurance
- Fun
Snowboard Bag
When picking a Board bag, you want to think about how you will be using it and what you will need to carry inside. If you are travelling on planes, buses or Trains wheels are highly recommended this makes it a lot easier when moving around and saves your back and arms from carrying all the weight.
You also want to look at waterproof pockets so that you can keep your valuable’s nice and dry when you put your snowboard and boots back into the Bag. Padded Board Bag’s give you peace of mind when you leave your beloved gear in the hands of an airline, knowing that everything will make it to the other end ensures your trip has no problems.
A lot of higher end board bags will have straps to stop your snowboard moving during travel and keeping the rest of your gear in the correct places you left them.
Some of our favorites to buy now
Snowboard Boots and Bindings
These are the most important part of your packing and the largest, so you want to make sure that you have these ready first. Making sure that all your bolts are present and tight is a good start, if you can get your board waxed before you go will give you more time on the mountain or even better wax it yourself.
Packing a screwdriver will also allow you to make changes on the go or tighten your setup after a solid day on the mountain.

Your Jacket and Pants/Bib should be packed early as these are quite bulky and trying to fit them around everything else can be a pain, we find rolling these to be most efficient as the insulation can take up a lot of room. Check over all your gear for holes, faulty zippers or wear and tear, you don’t want to find out in the gondola that you have a tear somewhere or your zipper doesn’t work anymore.
Gloves and Goggles
When packing Gloves you want to check what the weather is expected to be where you are heading and pick your warmth appropriately, you don’t want cold hands in a snowstorm but equally you don’t want to be riding spring conditions In super insulated gloves as its hard to cool down your hands if there too hot.
When packing snow goggles make sure you have your spare lens, goggle case, microfiber cloth to clean the lenses if they get marked up. Making sure you have your spare lens will allow you to enjoy all conditions. Buy now
Protecting your head is extremely important, it doesn’t matter if you are the best snowboarder and super comfortable on the mountain. Unfortunately, accidents happen, and you don’t have control over other skiers or snowboarders. Protect your head as its your most important asset, the best head protectors include;
Under layers/ Thermals
What you wear underneath your outwear has just as much impact as your outerwear, something breathable, warm and comfortable underneath can make all the difference. Picking the right weight and look is important some of our favorites include;
You will need riding socks and socks for your apres boots, we always take 2 pairs of socks to allow you to have a fresh dry pair at the start of everyday when your putting on your boots. Check these socks out;
You want to protect your head and face from the elements and a good beanie or balaclava will do just that. If it is covering your face make sure its breathable and comfortable.
Après Boots
If you are heading to a snow town a pair of waterproof boots are essential, when its snowing you can’t go anywhere without stepping through water or snow. When picking boots make sure they have a good non slip sole, you don’t want to hurt yourself off the snow and ruin your trip.
Warm Clothes
You will need clothes for when you are not shredding the slopes, warm and comfortable are essential and waterproof will help you keep you dry if you are out in the snow.
Snowboard Backpack
Carrying all your belongings on the mountain makes your life a lot easier, you can have your spare lenses, balaclava, water bottle and some snacks to keep you going.
Hand and feet warmers
If you are susceptible to the cold hand and feet warmers can make all the difference, they will keep you out all day and enjoying your day without having to worry about your circulation or cold hands and feet.
A snow trip can have a few costs attached to them, so you want to make sure you are carrying enough money to pay for things like;
- Lift Passes
- Transport to the mountain
- Accommodation
- Food and drinks
- Lessons if needed
If you are travelling overseas you will need a few extra things in your bag such as a Passport, Visa for the country, printed copies of your accommodation and boarding passes. It is also good to get a little bit of local money before you get there incase you need to catch a taxi, bus or just need some water from a convenience store you don’t want to get stuck trying to find an atm.
Snowboarding can be a dangerous sport so making sure you have the correct travel insurance will mean that if you do end up with an injury you can be looked after without it hurting your back pocket too much.
Most of all a snow trip has to be fun, it’s the reason we do them whether its your first trip or one of many. Enjoy your everything you can from the packing to the trip, be patient and enjoy the whole experience the snow can be fun for everyone.