Best Wake Shapers We Have Used - Australia

Best Wake Shapers

If you have ever been wakesurfing behind a modern wake boat and been envious of the size and volume of the wave, you were feeling the effects of a wakesurf shaper. There is no aftermarket/stick on Wakesurf shapers that will ever be as good as the purpose built ones on a new boat, but if you don’t feel the need to upgrade your boat to surf. A WakeSurf Shaper is a perfect compromise, this allows you to increase the size and volume of your wave on your current boat making surfing even more fun than it already is. 

What Does a Wakesurf Shaper do

A wakesurf shaper's job is to increase the size and volume of your surfing wave. The way it works is by dragging down the opposite corner of your boat so that there is more boat in the water, very similar to how putting extra weight in the boat increases the size of your wake. They say the average wakesurf shaper feels like adding about 220kg of extra weight to your boat. You will feel this on the steering and it is not designed to be used at a fast speed its best to keep your boat under 15mph(24km/h)

Wakesurf shaper comparison

What side of the boat do you put a wake shaper

It might seem counter to normal thinking but the shaper works best on the opposite side of the surfer behind the boat. This is because the Shaper will create a drag and the shape of the face will give your wave a more usable section. 

How to Install Wake Shaper

What is the best wake shaper we have used in Australia

We have used most of the shapers available for sale in Australia and the best kind of shaper is definitely the suction types as these are easy to use, simple to adjust and quick to change the side that is being used on for multiple riders. The next decision about the perfect shaper comes from the boat it is being used on and the amount of weight you are willing to put in. Boats with a very small flat spot or lots of shims will be stuck to only using the Inline Shaper this has all the suctions in a row so you don’t need as much room. 

If you have a good size flat spot then you have to look at the depth of your hull and the weight you can put into your boat. The best results that we have seen that come close to rivalling a purpose built system is 500-750kgs of extra weight with the Wakesurf Edge Mega Wave. Be warned this shaper is much much bigger than your standard aftermarket shapers, putting this onto a shallow boat can cause water to rush over the rub rail and into the boat. 

If you don’t fit these other two options then the standard Wakesurf edge is for you. This is the most common one we sell as its easily fitted to any boat with a flat spot and makes your wave surfable. 


Shop all wakesurf shapers here



These wakesurf shapers cost between $599.99 and $699.99 

If you have any more questions or would like help on which shaper to choose feel free to email us at or give us a call on 02 45777 5333